How to Tie a Tie Mens Fashion

Close-up bright pink necktie makes a colorful contrast to a neutral gray suit on businessman.

We have to wonder if anyone has always done a study correlating the demise of the necktie with the falling membership in the ranks of The Male child Scouts. Surely mastering knots for sailing, camping, fishing, and tying up dweebie Scout Masters could but lend itself to the proper practise of a Half-Windsor or Four-in-Hand. Of course when was the last time any of us even had the need to wear a tie?

If you're out of practice or have never had to wear a tie, here is our guide to tying one on. Of course — unlike those of us who grew upward in the Stone Age, tying our ties in the way that our father has taught united states of america, with little to no variation — online videos may brand the process fifty-fifty clearer.

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Step-by-step illustration on how to tie a four-in-hand knot.
Photograph past Guzaliia Filimonova

For all practical purposes, this is the only knot you lot'll ever demand.

  1. Pop your collar, and wrap the tie effectually your cervix.
  2. Line up the two ends of your tie.
  3. Tug the wider end downwards toward your waistline; the narrower, up on your chest.
  4. Cantankerous the wider end of the tie in front of the narrower; then bring it back around to the front. (You'll be able to see the back of the wider cease of the necktie.)
  5. Loop the broad terminate of the necktie around the narrower end once more, but this time, bring it up under the narrow end virtually the shirt's top button.
  6. Drib it through the loop that has been formed, and tug it down towards your waistline.
  7. Adjust.

The Windsor

Step-by-step illustration on how to tie a Windsor knot.
Photo by Guzaliia Filimonova

Depending on the cut of your all-time suit and the shape of your shirt neckband, yous may want to apply this bulkier knot that speaks to power.

  1. Again, line upward the ii ends of your tie, bringing the wider end closer to your waist; the narrower upwardly almost the centre of your chest.
  2. Bring the wider end across the front, merely this fourth dimension pull information technology under the narrow terminate, up toward the collar button.
  3. Wrap the wide stop under the narrow finish yet again, but this time driblet information technology over the tiptop of the tie and tug it to the reverse side.
  4. The back of the wide stop of the tie should be facing you in the mirror now.
  5. Take information technology back across the narrow finish, and bring it up nether the loops that have formed, pointing upward toward your chin.
  6. Tug the wide end down through the loop that has formed, and tidy up the knot.
  7. Arrange

Read more: Formal Clothing Guide

The Half-Windsor

Step-by-step illustration on how to tie a half-windsor knot.
Photo by Guzaliia Filimonova

Offering more body than the 4-in-hand, simply not quite the bulk of the Windsor, for many the Half-Windsor is a knot with heft.

  1. Line up the two ends of the tie, with the wider end closer to the waist, the narrower end closer to the eye of your chest.
  2. Only like the Windsor, bring the wider end across the forepart, and pull it under the narrow finish, up toward your mentum.
  3. Bring it dorsum down and nether the narrow end, and so the back of the necktie is facing front.
  4. Cross the wide stop back over the narrow side, tucking the stop of the tie upwards behind the back of the necktie, by the collar button, then plunge the tip down through the just-formed loop.
  5. Adjust.

Bow Tie

Step-by-step illustration on how to tie a bow tie.
Photo by Guzaliia Filimonova

They can be formal, or jaunty, but a cracking (and well-tied) bow tie is a mark of sartorial proficiency. This ane tip helps the states: Don't look in the mirror, don't become hung up on the width of the textile; just pretend you're tying your shoes.

  1. Line up the two ends of the necktie evenly.
  2. Cross i side over the other.
  3. Bring one end upwards under the other, past the collar button.
  4. Concur the opposite end up so that you are staring at the mid-point of the bow (or a target mid-point if it's a straight bow necktie).
  5. Drop the first stop downwardly over the front (you'll have perpendicular "collywobbles" at this indicate).
  6. Bring that first end under the second, and constrict it into the loop that'south been formed backside the second.
  7. Adjust.

Read more: How to Wear a Suit

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